The story of the band begins in Turin in 1999...
The story of Soul Seller begins in Turin in 1999, founded by brothers Dave and Mike Zublena. The band spent its first decade producing demos, self-releasing EPs, and performing live across northern Italy to find their sound. In 2010, after several line-up changes, they signed with German label Avenue of Allie and released their debut album, “Back to Life,” produced by Alessandro Del Vecchio. The album gained recognition in the melodic rock scene and included the popular track “Keep on Moving” featuring Oliver Hartman, which was featured in Classic Rock magazine.
After a brief tour, the band paused live performances to work on a follow-up, experiencing more line-up changes. In 2015, they recorded a second album with Tanzan Music, titled “Matter of Faith,” released in 2016 with the single “Tide Is Down.” The band supported major acts like Europe and Harem Scarem. In 2019, new members Alex Rimoldi, Stefania Sarre, and Dale Sanders joined, culminating in performances with Bonfire and the release of “Diamonds Rain” in December 2021.
The performance during the opening of Europe Concert
The band's latest single released
The first single taken
from "Matter of Faith" album
(Avenue Of Allies – 2011)
(Tanzan Music – 2016)
Digital Single
(Tanzan Music – 2021)